It is a part 25 years old VNS Finance Capital Limited which is a traditional broker in India. It has over 100000. Discounts Discounts Are Of Two Types A Trade Discount And B Cash Discount Trade Discount Means The Discou Trading Scientific Management Financial Tips Trade discount 10000 total list price x 5 trade discount 500 Net amount after trade discount to be recorded 10000 list price 500 trade discount 9500 The only journal entry made is for the final net price 9500 at which the exchange takes place. . All it takes. A trade discount is given on the categorised price of the products while the cash discount is given on the receipt cost. Cash flow Statement Free Cashflow 2. This discount is offered by the seller to the buyer on the invoice amount at the time of making payment within the stipulated time. Heres our shortlist of the best stock brokers hand-picked by our experts. Cash Discount Journal Entry. A...